How to create other users

This is where you manage your account's users. Create an individual user for each person who will use the account.

There is always a default user “admin”. This user has privileges to perform all actions allowed for your account, including the ability to add, modify and delete additional users. You cannot delete this user.

If a user leaves your firm or organisation, it is important that you disable their login.

Go to User Admin to get started.

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Add/Edit a User

The Add New User button at the top right of the page will start the process to add a new user.

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You will then be presented with a page to input the details for the new user. In the case of editing an existing user, you will be presented with the same window.


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  • Password: To change the user’s password enter the new password here. If you are adding a new user you can specify a password or allow them to choose upon activation of the user.

  • Username: This field will be set if editing a user. If you are creating a user you must fill this in.

  • Full Name: Can be whatever you like. This is commonly a name. 

  • Email address: User's email address. Allows for activation email (see below).

  • Description: Can be whatever you like. This is commonly a job role.

  • Account Locked: To suspend the user’s ability to log into the system. Also will be set by the system after three failed login attempts and can be turned off here to re-enable account access.

  • Account Activated: This will be unchecked until you have sent an activation email to the user (sends to email provided) and they have set their password. You can manually add the user's password and tick this if desired.  

  • Activation Email: Send the user an activation email if the account is not activated. Allows users to set their own password and also activates the account.

  • Password Reset: Send the user a password reset email.

  • Permissions: Below is a set of tick boxes which set the user’s access to Paystation’s functionality 

Once you have made the alterations press the Save button to save the changes.


Delete User

To delete a user, press the Delete button next to their details. You cannot delete the default admin user.

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You will be asked to confirm that you want to delete the user. Press Yes to delete the user, or No to leave the user unchanged. 

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You will then return to the User Admin main page.

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